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Bonjour je dois revisité en anglais un conte, auriez vous des idées par hasard ?

Sagot :

Réponse :

The three horrible pigs and the nice wolf.

once upon a time there were three horrible pigs who lived with their mother, but she got tired of their stubbornness and chased them away. The three pigs had to live on their own so they decided to start building houses for them selves. The first little pig was intelligent but lazy, he knew how to build a perfect houses but in stead made a houses out of straw because he was to lazy to work. A wolf came and offered his help but the pig refused and rejected him. The second little pig wasn't lazy at all he was.........stupid. He was a hard worker but he couldn't make proper house, the wolf came and asked if he needed help but the pig told him to ............................. GO AWAY.

The wolf was devastated then he saw the last pig, he was......playing in the mud, and you know why, because he is LAZY and STUPID so he couldn't do anything on his own. The wolf decided to build the house for him. The house he built was made of brick nice and solid and the pig was so happy that he decided to share the house with the wolf. One day a storm came, the pigs who refused the wolfs help were........dead because they didn't survive the storm and there houses weren't solid at all, but the wolf and the pig were enjoying their life together and forgot about the other pigs and they lived happily ever after. Until the wolf at him of course, you shouldn't be to trustful to others without knowing what they are planning.

Explications :

et voila

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