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Write a short story about In the closet of your new home is a portal through space and time. You accidently travel to Mars. (Three Paragraphs)​

Sagot :

Réponse :

My trip to Mars was both exciting and scary. The journey was very long and tiresome. It took me about seven months to reach the planet. Mars has a rocky core and crust. Its atmosphere is thinner than the Earth's. Its orbit is also elliptical.

Mars has very beautiful sceneries. It is the home to the highest mountain and the deepest, longest valley in the solar system. It also has the largest volcanoes in the solar system. Many regions within the planet are flat, low-lying plains.

Mars is much colder than Earth due to the greater distance from the sun. Its dust storms are the largest in the solar system. The planet also has two moons. Its gravity is also weaker than the Earth's gravity. I was able to jump three times higher while there than on Earth.

How I look forward to such trips. It was one of the memorable trips I have ever encountered in my life. I hope the next time I am back the planet will be slightly warmer.

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