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Bonjour, voila j'ai un devoir d'anglais à faire et je n'arrive pas à commmencer.

Sujet: Imagine you just have won a fabulous some of money at bingo! You'll choose an anglosaxon town and you will prepare your travel for 2 days.

6 pages with photos/ Internet + billets d'avion / horaires

Merci de m'aider :)

Sagot :

London! I finnaly had the money to go visit my dream city a lot of people would rather go to Paris or New York but honestly I don't find either of them half as interesting as London. This was my dream, ever since I was just a kid I was in love with this city (une foto ici). Of course in my imagination I could stay for more than two days, I had a family brunch to go to on Sunday. But after winnning that much money I could go back and stay for over a week and maybe visit other cities in England or even better, in Europe. For starters I was defenitly going to go to Buckingham Palace (une foto ici) then I would stop to Marylbone Stroll (foto) I would at least enjoy one day of good weather in this beautiful park. In the afternoon of my first day i would go to The London Eye (foto) I am sure I can supress my fear of hights if the view is anything like they say (foto de la vue depuis le london eye). For dinner, I decided a little fancy restaurant would do which is why i will go to J. Sheekley (foto). The second day I will start my day with a swin in the Kensingston Gardens atrificial lake, it might be a little cold but nothing I can't mannage. For lunch I will pick a quite corner but not before going to Berry Bros. and Rudd (foto) for a nice bottle of wine. I will probably take one for the family as well.In the afternoon I will go to the famous Smithfield Pub Crawl to meet people and have a drink. Later at night i would go to the Royal court Theatre (foto) to enjoy a famous play from Shakespear. And well, I believe this is it for this time but I wil lmake sure I come back.


Voilaa j'espere que ca t'aide parce que sa ma pris une bonne demi heure. Je te laisse choisir les foto il faut juste que tu tape le nom avnt sur Google et je te laisse t'occuper des billets d'avion.