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Au XIXe siècle, en Angleterre, Oliver Twist, un orphelin de 9 ans, a été chassé de son hospice pour avoir demandé une ration supplémentaire de gruau , car les enfant ne devait pas redemandé une ration ils était pour eux assez bien nourrit comme sa. Il a était pris comme apprenti par un croque-mort, le gamin était cependant maltraité il se fesait frappé , insulté et aussi he was obligé de dormir dans la piéce à  cercueil et a décidé de s’enfuir. Arrivant à Londres après une longue marche à pied, Oliver rencontra Artful Dodger, un jeune voleur à la tire qui travaillait pour le compte du hideux Fagin. Ce dernier ne tarda pas à prendre l'orphelin sous sa coupe, l'entraînant à stole les bourgeois dans la rue. C'est ainsi qu'Oliver tomba sur M. Brownlow, un vieil homme riche qui a décidé de le recueillir. Aussitôt, le fourbe Bill Sikes, un associé de Fagin, s'arranga pour enlever le garçon. Mais la maîtresse de Bill, la jeune Nancy, révèle à Brownlow où Oliver est retenu captif. Bill la tua


In nineteenth century England, Oliver Twist, an orphan nine years, was driven from his hospice for asking an extra ration of oatmeal because children should not orderd ration they were good enough for them as it feeds. It was taken as an apprentice by a mortician, the kid was abused however it fesait struck and insulted as he was forced to sleep in coffin into the room and decided to flee. Arriving in London after a long walk, Oliver met Artful Dodger, a young pickpocket who worked on behalf of the hideous Fagin. It does not take long before the orphan under his wing, causing it to stole the citizens in the street. Thus Oliver fell on Mr. Brownlow, a rich old man who has decided to collect. Immediately, the treacherous Bill Sikes, an associate of Fagin, is arranged to remove the boy. But the centerpiece of Bill, the young Nancy Brownlow reveals that Oliver is being held captive. Bill killed her.


Qui peut me le convertir au preterit BE-ING SVPP

Sagot :

In nineteenth century, in England, Oliver Twist, an Orphan of nine years old, was driving from his hospice for asked an extra ration of oatmeal because children should´nt orderd ration they were good enough for them as it feeds. It was taking as an apprentice by a mortician, the kid was ill-treated however he was hitting, insulting as he was forcing to sleep in the room where there were coffin into the room and he decided to runaway. Arriving in London after a long walk, Oliver met Artful Dodger, a young pickpocket who was working on behalf of the hideous Fagin. He didn't take long ne before taking the Orphan under his wing, causing him to stole the citizens in the street. That in this way, Oliver fell on Mr. Brownlow, a rich old man who has decided to collect. Immediatly, the treacherous Bill Sikes, an associate of Fagin, was arranging to remove the boy. But the centerpiece of Bill, the young Nancy, reveals to Brownlow where Oliver was holding captive. Bill killed her.

Voilà, je t'ai corrigé certaine chose et en ce qui en ai de la conjugaison je ne suis pas sur d'avoir bon !
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