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Sagot :
I saw a graffiti on wall of the main façade of my building. The Graffiti was designed with spray paint and the subject was weird and very colourful. A bit surprising in my neighbourhood. But I liked it. I love this kind of art of expression.
The other day I had a long discussion about this graffiti with my neighbour. He complained about the costs involved in removing this graffiti. My neighbour refers to vandalism of the urban landscape.
I invited him to come along to this wall graffiti to watch it more carefully. I transcribed the picture into current language as apparently the author looked to be a teenager (certainly about my age)
After showing the perspective and the social message left on this tag my neighbour admitted that he did see it this way.
My neighbour said there should be some places where young people could express themselves and the municipal should look after this issue more seriously. He emphasized that the city should make open offers for a conceptual graffiti. So that the city decides which graffiti it would chose and where it could be located.
My neighbour was convinced that there should really be room for young people to express themselves freely with graffitis. I understood his point but I was happy to have convinced him that graffitis could a piece of art at the same level as painting, sculpture, architecture and so on.
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