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Salut, j'ai besoin d'aide pour mes devoirs. Mon devoir est dans les pièces jointes.

PS : Il faut faire que la première question (Rédiger une histoire courte sur le thème familier)

Merci bcp

Salut Jai Besoin Daide Pour Mes Devoirs Mon Devoir Est Dans Les Pièces Jointes PS Il Faut Faire Que La Première Question Rédiger Une Histoire Courte Sur Le Thèm class=

Sagot :





Me, my older brother and my mother lived in a big villa in the middle of a big garden and away from the city. I was in my bed reading quietly when suddenly the door opened by slamming(clicking). I straightened the pillow in my bed in height, and lives my older brother stinking of the smell of the smoke. This evening I rethought about all the memories(souvenirs) of me and my brother moments or he(it) me dedicated a few minutes of his(her,its) life. My mother to repeat me every time I was to be honest and right. This is when I decided to follow his(her,its) advice(council) and decided on me to work and I affected(touched) a stock exchange(grant) which my licence to enter a school of right(law) and I became right(straight).


