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Les billets que tu as achetés pour le rodéo ne sont pas valables. Raconte ce qui s'est passé hier soir en mettant le verbe à la voix passive ou active.


a) My friend and I (refuse) admission

b) I (ask) where the tickets came from. I (say) they (come) from an Internet site.

c) I (tell) to sit down and wait while the lady (speak) to her boss.

d) I (give) new tickets and we (tell) to come back the next day.

Sagot :

a) My friend and I wererf refused admission

b) I was asked where the tickets came from. I was said they were from an Internet site.

c) I was told to sit down and wait while the lady  was speaking to her boss.

d) I was given new tickets and we were told  to come back the next day.

a)  My friend and I wererf refused admission


b)  I was asked where the tickets came from. I was said they were from an Internet site.


c)  I was told to sit down and wait while the lady  was speaking to her boss.


d)  I was given new tickets and we were told  to come back the next day.


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