Answered simplifie la recherche de solutions à toutes vos questions grâce à une communauté active et experte. Découvrez la facilité de trouver des réponses fiables à vos questions grâce à une vaste communauté d'experts. Obtenez des réponses rapides et fiables à vos questions grâce à notre communauté dédiée d'experts sur notre plateforme.

Les billets que tu as achetés pour le rodéo ne sont pas valables. Raconte ce qui s'est passé hier soir en mettant le verbe à la voix passive ou active.


a) My friend and I (refuse) admission

b) I (ask) where the tickets came from. I (say) they (come) from an Internet site.

c) I (tell) to sit down and wait while the lady (speak) to her boss.

d) I (give) new tickets and we (tell) to come back the next day.

Sagot :

a) My friend and I wererf refused admission

b) I was asked where the tickets came from. I was said they were from an Internet site.

c) I was told to sit down and wait while the lady  was speaking to her boss.

d) I was given new tickets and we were told  to come back the next day.

a)  My friend and I wererf refused admission


b)  I was asked where the tickets came from. I was said they were from an Internet site.


c)  I was told to sit down and wait while the lady  was speaking to her boss.


d)  I was given new tickets and we were told  to come back the next day.


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