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Identify the cohesive devices in the following passages

1. 5 anaphoric reference

2. 5 Exophoric reference

3. 1 Cataphoric reference

4. 5 conjunctions

5. 2 ellipses

6. 2 substitutions

7. 2 synonyms

8. 2 antonyms

9. 2 hyponyms

10. 2 repetition

11. 2 collocations

What the white can learn from the Negro

To master the art of doing with and doing without is essential to all men. With very little of this world goods, the Negro has been able, to an unbelievable degree, to survive – even thrive under oppressions, uncertainties and inconviniences.He has worn hand-me-down clothing, lived in second- class housing, worked at ;low-paying jobs. But those conditions were morally wrong and he found a way to change them.In doing so, he transferred his disappointment into hopes and hopes into actions and action into improvement which, if continued, will bring him full equality and ultimate happiness all men seek.

If white people would profit by the Negro’s ability to overcome, they can by cultivating his sense of humour. His public posture might be that of an angry young man, but his capacity to laugh at his troubles, even though he does so in the privacy of his race, in his means of releasing pent-up emotion. White people, who would have peace of mind, must ease their guilty consciences. Like the Negro, they must put their trust in God and their shoulder to the wheel. Faith alone will not move mountains.

If the black man can make it by adding new dimensions to old adages, surely the white the white man can follow his examples. No people can have peace always nor can their prosperity continue unbroken. All of this country’s citizen have worked hard and sacrifices much to make America the great nation that it is today. Surely those who by their virtue of colour have inherited the bulk of our many benefits can, like the Negros learn to endure her limitations

Culled from ‘What the White can learn from the Negro “by ebony in Modern social problems

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