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Write a story that ends with better late than never

Sagot :


Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a young boy named Tim. Tim had a big dream of becoming a skilled artist. However, he was always hesitant to pursue his passion because he was afraid of failure.

Years went by, and Tim found himself stuck in a job he didn't enjoy, feeling unfulfilled and unhappy. One day, he stumbled upon his old sketchbook from his childhood and felt a spark reignite within him.

With newfound determination, Tim decided to dedicate himself to his art. Despite the challenges and setbacks he faced along the way, he persisted and honed his craft tirelessly.

As time passed, Tim's skills improved, and his artwork started gaining recognition. People were amazed by his talent and passion. Tim realized that even though he had started late, pursuing his dream was worth it.

In the end, Tim achieved his goal of becoming a successful artist, proving that it's better to start late than to never start at all.

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