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Q.1) Choose the right verb then Put the verb in
invite show-
write ))
1- How much of the earth's surface
2- you
to the wedding Why di
(somebody) this room ye
4- Originally the book..
5- and a few years ago it
6- Cheese.................. from milk.
7- It's a big factory. Five hundred people
8- A cinema is a place where films
9- The park gates
10- Water.....
at 6.30 p.m. et
most of the eart

Sagot :



Réponse :

Choose the right verb then Put the verb in present

((Use-clean-cover-employ-cover-invite - show-write ))

1- How much of the earth's surface is covered by water?

2- you are invited to the wedding

3-  Why is this room cleaned ?

4- Originally the book is written ...

5- and a few years ago it  ( ???? )

6- Cheese is made from milk. ( make : n'est pas dans ta liste ? )

7- It's a big factory. Five hundred people are employed

8- A cinema is a place where films are shown

9- The park gates are locked at 6.30 p.m

10- . etmost of the eart ( ??? )

Explications :

Il semble que ton énoncé est vraiment mélangé ....

N'hésite pas à ajouter ce qui manque