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H. Identify the clauses in the following sentences.
1. I expect that we will win the match)
2. People who eat too much die early.
3. Abdul was absent (because he was ill
4. Can you show me the way that leads to the temple?
5. You may sit wherever you like.
6. If you make a promise(you must keep it.)
7. The money that was stolen was found in a box
8. Indians who go abroad become rich.
9. If you work hard you will get promoted to the next class.
10. You will not be allowed to attend the school unless you bring your school
11. Where there is a will, there is a way.
12. The novel that you wrote last year is very good.
13. I am confident that we will win the match.
14. If you help me, I shall be happy.
15. I will follow you wherever you go.
16. Wait here till I come back.