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Rédiger une lettre de candidature pour une émission d'aventure (type Kho Lanta) dont le trounage aura lieu en Australie. - Se presenter (nom, age, lieu de vie, qualités/défauts...) - Parler de ses expériences passées en rapport avec l'aventure, de vos souhaits (d'activités, de lieux à découvrir en Australie) - N'oubliez pas de montrer votre enthousiasme La lettre devra contenir au minimum 100 mots en anglais

Sagot :



Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for the upcoming adventure program set to be filmed in Australia, akin to Kho Lanta. My name is [Your Name], aged [Your Age], currently residing in [Your City/Country]. With a passion for adventure and exploration, I believe I possess the qualities necessary to thrive in this exciting opportunity.

Throughout my life, I have actively pursued outdoor activities and challenges, developing skills in teamwork, resilience, and adaptability. My experiences include hiking in rugged terrains, participating in survival camps, and engaging in water sports like kayaking and surfing. These adventures have not only strengthened my physical abilities but also taught me the importance of perseverance and problem-solving in demanding situations.

Australia has always been a dream destination for me, particularly its diverse landscapes ranging from the Outback to the Great Barrier Reef. I am eager to immerse myself in activities such as bushwalking, camping under the stars, and discovering unique wildlife. Moreover, I am keen to explore the Aboriginal culture and learn about their deep connection to the land.

My enthusiasm for this adventure knows no bounds, and I am ready to face the challenges and surprises that come with it. I am confident that my positive attitude, coupled with my passion for adventure and exploration, makes me a suitable candidate for your program.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to and grow from this incredible experience.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Contact Information]


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Dear Casting Team,

My fervent passion for adventure compels me to submit my application for a coveted spot on your prestigious expedition reality show in the untamed wilderness of Australia. My name is [Your Name], a [Age]-year-old adventurer hailing from [Your City].

Throughout my life, I have relentlessly pursued my thirst for adventure, embracing every opportunity to push my limits and test my abilities. From trekking through rugged mountains to conquering raging rapids, I thrive in the face of physical and mental challenges. My unwavering determination and resilience have propelled me to rise above adversity, making me a formidable competitor in any extreme environment.

While I possess a competitive spirit, I also embrace the power of teamwork and the camaraderie forged in the face of shared hardships. My strong leadership skills and ability to inspire others make me a valuable asset in any expeditionary team.

Australia, with its breathtaking landscapes and iconic wildlife, holds an allure that captivates my soul. I yearn to explore the Great Barrier Reef, immerse myself in the ancient Aboriginal culture, and summit the rugged peaks of the Outback. I believe that participating in this show would not only fulfill a lifelong dream but also inspire countless others to embrace their own adventurous spirits.

'Adventure is the heart of life,' wrote Mark Twain. I echo this sentiment wholeheartedly and am eager to prove that I have what it takes to thrive in this ultimate test of endurance and human resilience. I am confident that my tenacity, adaptability, and unwavering enthusiasm will make me a memorable and valuable addition to your cast.

Thank you sincerely for considering my application. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to demonstrate my adventurous spirit and contribute to the success of this extraordinary expedition.

Yours adventurously,

[Your Name]


**Subject: Application for Adventure Show in Australia**

Dear Selection Committee,

My name is John Doe, I am 30 years old, and I currently live in San Francisco, California. I am writing to express my enthusiasm and interest in participating in your adventure show set in Australia.

I am an avid adventurer with a passion for exploring the great outdoors. My strengths include resilience, teamwork, and problem-solving. However, I am aware that my impatience can sometimes be a challenge, but I believe it adds to my drive to constantly improve myself.

In the past, I have participated in various outdoor expeditions, including a three-month trek through the Rocky Mountains and a solo kayaking trip along the Mississippi River. These experiences have taught me the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and a positive attitude in the face of adversity.

The opportunity to explore Australia excites me tremendously. I am particularly eager to discover the Outback, dive in the Great Barrier Reef, and engage in traditional Aboriginal cultural experiences. I am confident that my adventurous spirit and my desire to embrace new challenges will make me a valuable addition to the show.

Thank you for considering my application. I am thrilled at the prospect of joining this incredible adventure.


John Doe

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