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1 Comme dans l'exemple, mets les phrases à la voix passive au présent.
Exemple: The mechanic repairs my car. =My car is repaired by the mechanic.
a. Laura drives the bus.
b. Jason cleans the room once a week.
c. Patricia brings the newspaper every day.

Sagot :


Voici les phrases mises à la voix passive au présent :

a. Laura drives the bus.

- The bus is driven by Laura.

b. Jason cleans the room once a week.

- The room is cleaned by Jason once a week.

c. Patricia brings the newspaper every day.

- The newspaper is brought by Patricia every day.



voix passive ( présent )

am/is/are + participe passé

- Le COD de la voix active devient sujet de la voix passive

Réponse :

The mechanic repairs my car.

My car is repaired by the mechanic.

a. Laura drives the bus.

The bus is driven by Laura

b. Jason cleans the room once a week.

The room is cleaned by Jason once a week.

c. Patricia brings the newspaper every day.

the newspaper is brought by Patricia every day