a- You/ kate should wear a jumper
b- You/ Henry should wear his glasses more often.
c- You/ James shouldn't have biscuits and chocolate bars on your /his bag
d- You / Fiona shouldn't watch TV late at night.
je ne sais pas l'énoncé s'il faut mettre "you" ou reprendre le nom de la personne....
Dans ce cas j'aurais mis
Kate has a cold; she should wear a jumper
b- Henry has a headache; he should wear his glasses ore often.
ou -----------------------------------he should always wear his glasses.
c- James has got a stomach ache; he shouldn't have so much biscuits and chocolate bars in his bag.
d- Fionna is extremely tired; she shouldn't watch TV late at night
Dans tous les cas should + Base Verbale (sans "to")
EXO 3 (je viens de le faire ...)
a- he should eat a bigger, helathier breakfast in the mornong
ou he should eat a healthy snack
b- he should take lessons
c she should take a break
d- he should set a remider alarm on his phone.
-You should consult a nutritionist
- you should try to eat more often , six times a day, small portions with more protein and good fat.
-You should add healthy, protein-rich snacks
-you shouldn't go to fast food or eating sweets; you'll gain weigh, but it will be bad fats and fast sugars.
- you should have a high-calorie weight gain diet plan
- you should eat food with lots of healthy nutrients.(nutriments)
- You should drink smoothies made of vegetables and fruits
- you should exercise to gain muscles
- You shouldn't eat more but eat better
J'espère que ça ira ☺☺☺