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1) What game is played by two teams of eleven players each. (a)Handball (b)Hockey
2) When playing hockey, a player should not
(c)should not use head to nod the ball..
(a)undercut the ball (b)not bend
is the person who keep the time for the game. (a)Goal keeper (b)Time keeper
4) One of the playing position in Handball is. (a)Right front (b)Middle belt (c)Left and
5) Handball is a game played primarily with the
6) The objectives of playing game is to
7) Handball is played by
(a)Hand (b)Leg (c)Head.
(a)Lose (b)Jubilate (c)Win.
players. (a)Seven (b)Eleven (c)Twenty.
8) One of the Basic skills in Handball is
(a)Catching (b)Kicking (c)Nodding.
is the moving of ball quickly in order to score a goal. (a)Shooting (b)Dribbling
10) Basic skill in long distance race is
(a)Jumping (b)Flying (c)Kicking.
is at the command of "on your marks" and Go! (a)take off (b)running (c)starting.
is the simple and quick treatment that is given to a sick or injured person. (a)First
aid (b)First treatment (c)a&b.
13) A person treating a sick or an injured person before taking he/she to the hospital is
known as (a)Doctor (b)First aider (c)Care giver.
14) An emergency is an unexpected
thing which happens to people. (a)accident

Sagot :


1) b

2) c

3) b

4) c

5) a

6) c

7) c

8) a

9) b

10) b

11) b





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