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Bonsoir est-ce que vous pouvez m’aider svp ? merci

Bonsoir Estce Que Vous Pouvez Maider Svp Merci class=

Sagot :

Bonjour tien aide toi de cette feuille
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if + prétérit  // would + BV

would + BV // if + prétérit

Tu repères "if" : il est suivi du prétérit . L'autre sera de la forme would + BV

Réponse :

Complète les phrases avec le verbe conjugué.

a. I would recycle if | had more time.

b. If I were you, I would work  harder.

c. If I were the teacher, I would give  less homework.

d. I would buy a yacht if I won the lottery.

e. If I met  Madonna, I would ask  her for her autograph.

Emily n'a pas beaucoup d'argent. Si elle était riche... Réécris ces phrases en mettant les verbes à la forme qui convient.

a. If I were rich, I would buy a big house near the sea.

b. If I lived near the sea, I would walk on the beach every day.

c. Also, if I had  a lot of money, I would give some to my family and I

would help  people who are very poor.