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Until two years ago, Illinois was a tranquil suburb of Chicago in the USA. But
they noticed armed teenagers on the streets, giving gang signals and shoutin
series of burglaries and graffiti messages on storefronts. When local autho
problem, it was too late. Last December, two 13-years-old girls were sho
members of a local gang called the Ridgeway Lords.
Nearly all 50 states have recently signed laws that allow young people betw
tribunals as adults. Around 25 states have signed laws to punish parents for
the past decade, there has been a decline in adult murders in the US, but th
people between 14 and 17 has become greater.
Some young criminals are ordered to do community service, others are plac
sent to youth prisons. But the Republicans want to change a basic principle
like the government to stop the separation of young criminals from adult
reasons of this position are both financial and psychological.
Adapted from
Burglaries cambriolages
storefronts= vitrines
community service = service publique, travail communautaire, travaux d'inte
A. Choose the most appropriate answer a, b or c. (3 marks)
1. the best title for the text could be:
a. Juvenile delinquency in Illinois b. Residents' laws in Illinois c. Series of
2. What happened in Illinois?
a. A young man was shot. b. Two girls were killed. c. The local gang wa
3. "their" (their children's behavior) in paragraph two refers to:
a. teenagers b. adults
c. parents
B. All the following statements are FALSE. Justify them from the text. (2 ma
4. People in Illinois have never been in security.
5. All fifty states have voted for regulations to penalize parents of juvenile de

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