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Science in English
In England, Samuel attends a physics class with his
exchange student. The lesson is about the speed of
sound. The teacher writes on the board : "In dry air at
20 °C, the speed of sound is 767 mph (mph = mile per
Samuel wonders whether this agrees with what he has
learned with his own physics teacher. He asks the teacher
the conversion from mph to m/s : 1 mph = 0,447 m/s.
Does the lesson in England agree with Samuel's lesson
in France?

Sagot :


Let's break it down step by step:

1. The teacher writes on the board: "In dry air at 20 °C, the speed of sound is 767 mph (mph = mile per hour)."

2. Samuel wonders whether this agrees with what he has learned with his own physics teacher.

3. He asks the teacher the conversion from mph to m/s: 1 mph = 0,447 m/s.

Now, let's do the calculation:

Speed of sound in mph: 767 mph

Conversion factor: 1 mph = 0,447 m/s

Speed of sound in m/s: 767 mph × 0,447 m/s/mph = 343,1 m/s

So, the speed of sound in m/s is approximately 343,1 m/s.

Now, let's compare this with the speed of sound in m/s that Samuel learned in France:

Speed of sound in m/s: 343,1 m/s (from the English lesson)

Speed of sound in m/s: ? (from the French lesson)

Since we don't have the exact value from the French lesson, we can't say for sure whether the lesson in England agrees with Samuel's lesson in France. However, we can say that the value obtained from the English lesson (343,1 m/s) is a reasonable value for the speed of sound in m/s.

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