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The end of the school year party was taking place in the main hall,the guests heard a scream from Mrs Doyle's office .It was 9.15 pm. A few minutes later , Mr Doyle , the headmaster ,was found dead, blood all around hisd body and a letter-opener in his heart . The police found near the body a number of clues that may lead to the culprit: a letter written by wife Mrs louisa Doyle , a fotograph of Ms Irene Adler , a check with the name Charles on it and an anonymous letter which said ,I know everything! Everyone who was at the party may have valuable information .
A What are the clues ?
B Who are the suspects ?
C Any witness(es)?
A interrogate the suspect/ witness What questions would you asq them ?
B What will be their answers ?
C which supects will be cross off my list?
D Who will be the prime suspect?
A Identify the culprit!
B What is the culprit's motive for the crime ?

Sagot :

A. What are the clues?

The clues are:

A letter written by Mrs. Louisa Doyle, the wife.

A photograph of Ms. Irene Adler.

A check with the name Charles on it.

An anonymous letter stating "I know everything!"

B. Who are the suspects?

The suspects are likely:

Mrs. Louisa Doyle (the wife).

Ms. Irene Adler.

A person named Charles (as indicated by the check).

The anonymous letter writer.

C. Any witnesses?

Potentially everyone who attended the party could be considered a witness.

A. If you were to interrogate the suspects/witnesses, what questions would you ask them?

To Mrs. Louisa Doyle: Why did you write the letter to your husband?

To Ms. Irene Adler: What is your relationship with Mr. Doyle?

To the person named Charles: Why did you issue the check to Mr. Doyle?

To the anonymous letter writer: What do you know and why did you write the letter?

B. What would their answers be?

Their answers would depend on their motivations and relationships with Mr. Doyle. They could provide valuable information or potentially incriminating evidence.

C. Which suspects will be crossed off your list?

Suspects with strong alibis or whose responses seem unrelated to the crime may be eliminated from consideration.

D. Who will be the prime suspect?

The prime suspect could be determined based on the evidence and motives that emerge during the investigation.

A. Identify the culprit!

To identify the culprit, you would need to carefully analyze the clues and testimonies to determine who had the strongest motive and opportunity to commit the crime.

B. What is the culprit's motive for the crime?

The motive could be related to personal or professional relationships with Mr. Doyle, such as jealousy, revenge, or a financial dispute.

By analyzing these questions and considering the evidence provided, you can begin to piece together the puzzle and solve the mystery of Mr. Doyle's death. If you need further assistance or have additional questions, feel free to ask!

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