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J'ai c'est exercices d'anglais je n'y arrive pas aider moiii.
J'espère que quelqu'un pourra m'aider, et merci d'avance pour celui/celle qui me viendra en aide.​

Jai Cest Exercices Danglais Je Ny Arrive Pas Aider MoiiiJespère Que Quelquun Pourra Maider Et Merci Davance Pour Celuicelle Qui Me Viendra En Aide class=

Sagot :



EXO 1 préfixe exprimant le contraire

a- illegal

b- disrespectful

c- disloyal

d- unforgettable

e- unlock

f- ungrateful


EXO 2 préfixe

a- There is a mistake, we have misread the instructions

b- I think the car is overvalued

c- We misinterpreted

d- It's burnt, this cake is overcooked !

e- She has overhear their conversation.

f- We should cooperate together

g-  My mother is foreseeing the party.

h- They overcame a lot of ordeals last year.

i- I think there was a misunderstanding between them.

j- Victoire  undertakes to climb Mt. Everest.


EXO 3 former un nom avec le suffixe approprié

a- Impressionism

b- daydreamer

c- speaker

d- childhood

e- employee


g- romanticism

h- biker


EXO 4 former un mot avec le suffixe approprié

a- (to) whiten

b- done (participe passé de "do"

c- grateful (adjectif)

d- softly (adverbe)

e- drinkable (adjectif) = potable

f- refundable

g- adorable

h- detachable


EXO  5 traduire

a-My little brother overcame his nervousness

b- The situation is manageable

c- He reacted badly to (the)  food


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