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II) Mettez les phrases à la voix passive. N'exprimez le complément d'agent que si nécessaire.
1. The British Royal Family owns nineteen homes.
2. They exhibit the Crown jewels in the Tower of London.
3. They have elected him for four years.
4. The postman will deliver my parcel tomorrow.
5. People speak English and German in this hotel.
6. What time do they serve lunch here?
7. Has anybody locked the door?
8. When did the Americans drop the first nuclear bomb?
9. A journalist is interviewing Leonardo Di Caprio.

II Mettez Les Phrases À La Voix Passive Nexprimez Le Complément Dagent Que Si Nécessaire1 The British Royal Family Owns Nineteen Homes2 They Exhibit The Crown J class=

Sagot :




BE ( au temps de la voix active ) + participe passé

Le COD de la voix active devient sujet de la voix passive

Réponse :

1. The British Royal Family owns nineteen homes.

La phrase est au présent simple. On aura donc BE conjugué au présent + participe passé

→ Nineteen homes are owned by the British Royal Family

2. They exhibit the Crown jewels in the Tower of London.

Présent simple

The Crown jewels are exhibited in the Tower of London.

3. They have elected him for four years.

La phrase est au present perfect. On aura donc BE conjugué au present perfect + participe passé

He has been elected for four years

Ici changement de pronom ( him devient he )

4. The postman will deliver my parcel tomorrow.

La phrase est au futur. On aura donc BE au futur + participe passé

My parcel will be delivered tomorrow.

5. People speak English and German in this hotel.


English and German are spoken in this hotel

6. What time do they serve lunch here?

Présent / forme interrogative

→ What time is lunch served here?

7. Has anybody locked the door?

Present perfect / forme interrogative

Has the door been locked?

8. When did the Americans drop the first nuclear bomb?

Prétérit / forme interrogative

→ When was the first nuclear bomb dropped by Americans?

9. A journalist is interviewing Leonardo Di Caprio.

Présent be + BV-ing. On aura donc BE conjugué au present be + BV-ing + participe passé

Leonardo Di Caprio is being interviewed by a journalist