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Mettez le verbe ou le modal entre parenthèses à la forme qui convient (à l'actif
ou au passif).
a. On Thursday, December 1, 1955. Rosa Parks (board) a city bus and (sit) with three other
Blacks in the fifth row, the first row that Blacks (can) occupy. A few stops later, the four front
rows (fill) with Whites, and one white man (stand). According to the law, Blacks and Whites
(can) not occupy the same row, so the bus driver (ask) all four of the Blacks seated in the fifth
row to move. Three (obey), but Rosa Parks (refuse). She (arrest).
b. After the arrest, the black community in Montgomery (decide) to boycott the town's buses.
Everyone (walk), (ride) in a friend's car or (take) a cab. The protest (be) a success, everyone
realized that no one (ride) those buses. Huge crowds (gather) in churches and a leader
(emerge). Loudspeakers (use) so that those who could not get in could hear what (happen).
As Luther King (make) his speech, even more people (show up). It (get) dark
returned to their homes at the end of the day. They (stay) off the buses until they (can) ride
them with dignity. Blacks (return) to the buses on December 21, 1956, over a year after the
boycott (begin).
c. On April 4th, 1968, the famous black civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, (assassinate) by
a sniper. He (shoot) dead in Memphis, Tennessee, where he (go) to
lead a march protesting
against low wages and poor working conditions. He (take) to hospital
where he (die) soon
afterwards. A massive wave of violence (break) out all over
the country, primarily in black
urban areas. In several countries marches (hold) to honor the memory of
a man who (stand)
up for justice and peace.

Sagot :



Mettez le verbe ou le modal entre parenthèses à la forme qui convient (à l'actif ou au passif)  les verbes au passif sont soulignés = be au prétérit + participe passé du verbe)

.a. On Thursday, December 1, 1955. Rosa Parks boarded (board) a city bus and sat  (sit) with three other Blacks in the fifth row, the first row that Blacks could (can) occupy. A few stops later, the four front rows was filled (fill) with Whites, and one white man stood (stand). According to the law, Blacks and Whites could (can) not occupy the same row, so the bus driver asked (ask) all four of the Blacks seated in the fifth row to move. Three obeyed (obey), but Rosa Parks refused (refuse). She was arrested

b. After the arrest, the black community in Montgomery decided (decide) to boycott the town's buses. Everyone walked (walk), rode (ride) in a friend's car or took (take) a cab. The protest was(be) a success, everyone

realized that no one rode (ride) those buses. Huge crowds gathered (gather) in churches and a leader emerged (emerge). Loudspeakers were used (use) so that those who could not get in could hear what happened (happen).

As Luther King made (make) his speech, even more people showed up (show up). It got (get) dark when everyone returned to their homes at the end of the day. They stayed (stay) off the buses until they could (can) ride them with dignity. Blacks returned (return) to the buses on December 21, 1956, over a year after the boycott began (begin).

c. On April 4th, 1968, the famous black civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, was assassinated (assassinate) by a sniper. He was shot (shoot) dead in Memphis, Tennessee, where he  went (go) tolead a march protesting  against low wages and poor working conditions. He was taken (take) to hospital where he died (die) soon afterwards. A massive wave of violence broke (break) out all overthe country, primarily in black urban areas. In several countries marches (hold) to honor the memory of a man who stood (stand) up for justice and peace.


bonne soirée☺☺☺