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J’ai fais mon texte d’oral d’anglais est ce que vous pourriez me corriger s’il y en a des fautes que j’ai pu faire dans mes phrases en anglais s’il vous plaît.

Voici mon oral.

I did an internship at the Villeurbanne City Hall in a national company located in the Rhône department. The Villeurbanne City Hall's mission is to improve the daily lives of the population. The staff size of the Villeurbanne City Hall ranges from two thousand
to four thousand nine hundred ninety-nine

During this internship, I was supervised by Mr. Mohamed, who helped me acquire skills in the heating workshop sector. In this field, there are 7 employees.

During this internship, my supervisor, Mr. Mohamed helped me acquire several skills in the preventive maintenance field. We worked in primary schools where we took care of the heating systems. I also worked in a middle school gymnasium and a stadium where we repaired boilers and circulation pumps.

In this internship, I learned to do electrical and technical installations (alarms, access controls), home automation for comfort and security, technical management of connected buildings to control and supervise all technical installations, monitoring consumption, and finally, to wire and connect equipment.

What I liked about this internship was the technical installation because I learned how to install or repair a heating system and followed a heating installation. However, I didn't like the electrical installation part because it was much more technical and complicated.

What I also liked a lot was home automation because I learned a lot, especially about the various techniques in electronics, building physics, automation, and computing. I also learned about the four pillars of home automation: comfort, security, energy savings, and independence. I enjoyed learning all this information and acquiring skills in home automation.

The other tasks I carried out were just as enriching. This internship taught me many things, and I enjoyed performing the assigned tasks. My supervisor supported me while giving me autonomy, which allowed me to have a much deeper experience.

Merci beaucoup à vous bonne fin de journée.

Sagot :

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