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ecrire un paragraphes en anglais classe 3eme avec ces mots: the suffagettes, a prison ,Lonfon ,a police statio tortue,vote,mztch create a newspaper,write a song,imprison,deliver a speech, mrs Pankhurst, police officers,a governer,wommen,men at the benninning of the 20th century merci de votre aide​

Sagot :


Réponse :

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Suffragettes, led by Mrs. Pankhurst, fought fiercely for women's right to vote. In London, these brave women often found themselves at odds with the authorities. They organized marches, delivered speeches, and even created newspapers to spread their message. However, their actions frequently led to clashes with police officers and imprisonment. In prison, the women faced harsh conditions, sometimes even torture, as they stood firm in their demands for equality. Despite the opposition from men and the governor's attempts to suppress their movement, the Suffragettes' determination never wavered. They wrote songs to inspire each other and maintained their resolve in police stations and courtrooms, proving their unwavering commitment to achieving the vote for all women.

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