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3) Complete Keira Knightley's biography using the preterit of the verbs.

a. She (receive) a Personality of the Year Award in 2007.

b. She (sign) her first contract at the age of 9.

c. She (play) in "Star Wars 1" at the age of 14.

d. She (get) a role in the film "Bend it like Beckham", three years after her role in "Star Wars".

e. She (star) in the film "Pirates of the Caribbean" in 2003, starring opposite Johnny Depp.

f. She (be) born in 1985 in England.

Sagot :


a. She received a Personality of the Year Award in 2007.

b. She signed her first contract at the age of 9.

c. She played in "Star Wars 1" at the age of 14.

d. She got a role in the film "Bend it like Beckham", three years after her role in "Star Wars".

e. She starred in the film "Pirates of the Caribbean" in 2003, starring opposite Johnny Depp.

f. She was born in 1985 in England.



3) Complete Keira Knightley's biography using the preterit of the verbs.

a. She received a Personality of the Year Award in 2007.

b. She signed her first contract at the age of 9.

c. She played in "Star Wars 1" at the age of 14.

d. She got a role in the film "Bend it like Beckham", three years after her role in "Star Wars".

e. She starred in the film "Pirates of the Caribbean" in 2003, starring opposite Johnny Depp.

f. She was born in 1985 in England.

formation du prététit verbes réguliers

verbe + -ed

ou juste -d, si le verbe se termine par un -e

si se termine par consonne + -y = -ied  (study  = studied

mais voyelle + y = aucun changement = play = played

doublement de la consonne quand le verbe se termine par consonne/voyelle/consonne  stopped,  starred...

les verbes irréguliers sont à apprendre par cœur ...

to be = I, she, he, it was / you, we, they were  


bonne jounée☺☺☺

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