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Assume that a hypothetical country X' had a population of 10 million male and 5
million females. What is the sex ratio of the population of the country?
Suppose that Country 'Z' in 2020 had 1,000,000 live births while it had 10,000
maternal deaths during the same year. Calculate the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR).
Suppose that Country 'Y' in the year 2020 had 40,000 infant deaths while it had 5,000
newly born babies (live births) during the same year. Calculate the infant mortality rate
(IMR) for Country 'Y' during that year.
Assume that a hypothetical African Country X' had 500,000 deaths in 2020 and it also
had a total of 50,000,000 mid-year population in that year. Calculate the crude death
rate (CDR) for Country X'.
Assume that a hypothetical African country X' had 200,000 live births in 2020 and it
also had a total of 5,000,000 mid-year population in that year. Calculate the crude
birth rate (CBR) for the country.
If the population size of Ethiopia is 110 million in 2020 with a population growth rate of
2.5, how many years would it take for the population of Ethiopia to double itself?

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