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Faire en anglais un résumé de 5ou 6 phrases pour chaque chapitre du livre who was nelson mandela jusqu'au chapitre 10.

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Chapitre 1: "The Boy from the Transkei"

In this chapter, we learn about Nelson Mandela's early life growing up in the village of Mvezo in the Transkei region of South Africa. Mandela's childhood is characterized by his father's role as a counselor to the tribal chief, his mother's devout Christian beliefs, and his own rebellious spirit.

Chapitre 2: "A Troubled Boyhood"

This chapter explores Mandela's struggles as a young boy, including the loss of his father at a young age and his move to the nearby village of Qunu to live with his guardian, Chief Jongintaba. Despite the challenges he faced, Mandela excelled in school and developed a strong sense of justice.

Chapitre 3: "Life in the City"

After completing his education, Mandela moves to Johannesburg, where he experiences firsthand the harsh realities of apartheid. He becomes involved in the African National Congress (ANC) and begins his lifelong fight against racial injustice.

Chapitre 4: "A Lawyer and a Leader"

As a young lawyer, Mandela becomes increasingly involved in the anti-apartheid movement. He helps to organize protests and strikes, and eventually becomes one of the leaders of the ANC.

Chapitre 5: "The Treason Trial"

This chapter focuses on Mandela's arrest and trial for treason in 1956. Despite facing the death penalty, Mandela remains steadfast in his commitment to the cause of racial equality and refuses to back down.

Chapitre 6: "A Life on the Run"

After being acquitted in the Treason Trial, Mandela goes underground to continue his activism. He travels the country in disguise, evading capture by the authorities while continuing to organize resistance to apartheid.

Chapitre 7: "Prison Years"

In 1962, Mandela is arrested and sentenced to life in prison for his role in the anti-apartheid movement. He spends the next 27 years behind bars, during which time he becomes a symbol of the struggle against apartheid both in South Africa and around the world.

Chapitre 8: "Freedom at Last"

After years of international pressure and internal resistance, the South African government finally begins to negotiate with Mandela and the ANC. In 1990, Mandela is released from prison, signaling the beginning of the end of apartheid.

Chapitre 9: "The Road to Democracy"

Following his release from prison, Mandela works tirelessly to negotiate a peaceful transition to democracy in South Africa. He leads the ANC to victory in the country's first democratic elections in 1994 and becomes the nation's first black president.

Chapitre 10: "A Legacy of Hope"

In this final chapter, we reflect on Mandela's legacy as a champion of peace, reconciliation, and social justice. Despite facing immense challenges and adversity throughout his life, Mandela remained unwavering in his commitment to building a better world for future generations.

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