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Bonjour pouvez vous m’aidez pour mon exo danglais svpppp
le 3!!
3 What will the tourists do and when?
Circle the correct answer in the following sentences as in the example.
Example: The tourists will buy/buy sun lotion when they arrive/will arrive in South Africa.
a. When they are / will be in Cape Town, they eat / will eat in a restaurant on the V&A waterfront.
b. A lot of monkeys will surround / surround their car as soon as they reach / will reach the Cape of
Good Hope.
c. Before they start/ will start the safari, the guide will give / gives them instructions.
d. They will buy / buy some spices when they visit/ will visit the Indian market in Durban.

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maidez Pour Mon Exo Danglais Svpppp Le 3 3 What Will The Tourists Do And When Circle The Correct Answer In The Following Sentences As In Th class=

Sagot :




quand "when" n'est pas un pronom interrogatif mais une conjonction de temps, il est toujours suivi d'un présent et non du futur (le futur est uniquement dans la proposition principale

idem pour "as soon as/ before/ after quand ils indiquent  une subordonnée de temps

a. When they are / will be in Cape Town, they eat / will eat in a restaurant on the V&A waterfront.

b. A lot of monkeys will surround / surround their car as soon as they reach / will reach the Cape of Good Hope.

c. Before they start/ will start the safari, the guide will give / gives them instructions.

d. They will buy / buy some spices when they visit/ will visit the Indian market in Durban.


bonne journée☺☺☺