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Pouvais vous vérifier mes fautes d'orthographe en anglais svp merci c'est important. Voici mon dialogue :

How are you ?
Im fine and you
Im very happy because i will buy a new telefon who is a virtual girlfriend.
Yes i know. I saw this new telefon. You souldnt buy it.
This telephon is perfect and he is for me because i m shy and desesperate.
You can never marry her!
Yes i know but i think its a good entrainment for later.
This girlfriend is perfect and a real girlfriend is not perfect so i think its a bad entrainment. In my eyes, its an useless and stupid phone.
Yes but i want to speak to a girl because i cant in real life and i need affection.
This girl doesnt have defaut donc you couldnt speak to your real girlfriend. Its expensive and the mother can call you in the middle of the night !
Yes you are right.its stupid. I must speak to a girl and not to a robot. Bye
Yes its very stupid bye.

Sagot :

telephon non mais phone


I'm fine and you ou I'm fine what about you ^^ et ensuite Why ( pourquoi tu es contente ) 

il y a pas de teleFon mais phone ou comme en francais 


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