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Présenter le texte en Anglais : 

The tortured face of Indian child labour: a sinister industry 

TIRED, scared and hungry, a group of exploited Indian child labourers have been rescued by aid workers in a raid on clandestine Delhi factories. 

Police raids on factories in the Indian capital have revealed dozens of migrant kids hard at work despite laws against child labor.

Police rounded up 26 children from three textiles factories and a metal processing plant, but dozens more are believed to have escaped. Those captured had all come to New Delhi from the states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.

Some were embroidering women's clothing including saris and had been coached to deflect questions from authorities about their work.Other were working in acid and metal.Bachpan Bachao Andolan, or Save the Childhood Movement, in New Delhi, conducted raids in their quest to rid the country of child labour.



Sagot :

the document is about a Indian child is tortured

Recap: A child is hungry and scared. The police stop those who torture and other children was capture and torture in New Delhifrom the states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.

Si je t'ai aidée va me remercier sur mon profil bsx bsx:D

This document Is about Indian children who have been rescued by aid workers. Many migrant children hard work despite laws against child labor. The children are tired scared and hungry because they abuse them and they force them to work, this should be a magazine post about the children being tortured. Je spere que c'est bon, bonne chance :) !
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