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What will you do next weekend ?

Sagot :

This weekend, I don't have plans other than cleaning and organization to prepare for the period of May 8-20.

THAT weekend I'll journey to my brother's ranch for a stretch of baby-sitting the critters (dogs, horses, pigs, chickens, cats) and house-sitting while he has a week or more stuck at work for a major scheduled repair shut-down.


Saturday, I'll be at a re-enactment event. Fighting all day, feasting all night, and officially becoming group head honcho when we do the committee handover at midnight. Sunday will consist of disposing of feast leftovers by feeding them to any fighters who turn up to the standard Sunday battle practise, then writing a lab report.


I'm going to start on my project on making crafts for cash I did register on today and should be getting my materials sometime next week so I should be busy this next comming up weekend I've never done something like this and each time I send in a set of 20 little crafts I get paid for it so lets see how this turns out but thanks for asking :) Hope you have a great weekend !!!


1) pass out asleep in bed and thank god the semester is over.
2) figure out how I'm going to pay my bills with no money.
3) wish I was dead.
4) get over myself.
5) read a book.
6) get to work on projects to finish the incompletes I'm taking this semester.

Next weekend, i will be in holidays. I will want to go to a farm in rochefort. I will mau be with my parents and my cousins.
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