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coucou ceux qui sont fort en anglais venez maider svp:



 Okay ,Okay so hang me I killed the bird ,for pities sake it's not my fault the bird dropped into my paws. Okay , okay so I biffed it is that any reason for Ellie so hug so tight I almost choke to cry so hard I almost drown. "Oh tuffy she says Oh Tuffy How could you do that think of that poor little bird". How was I supposed to know that Ellies mum would bring in sheets of old newspapers and how was I supposed to know that Ellie's dad would fill a bucket full of soapy water. Okay , okay so maybe the stain of the birds blood won't come out ever so smack me.


 faire pareil mais a la place du chat metter un chien attention un chien ne fais pas comme un chat !!!!!!!!!

Sagot :


Okay, Okay so hang me I killed the cat, for pities sake it's not my fault the cat enter in my house. Okay, okay so I kill it is that any reason for Elie so hug so tight I almost chose to cry so hard I almost drown. "Oh Tuffy she says Oh Tuffy how could you do that think of that poor big cat ".

How was I supposed to know that Elie's mum would fill a bucket full of soapy water. Okay, Okay so maybe the stain of the cat won't come out ever so smock me. 

Apres à toi de voir si ca te plait.



Okay, Okay so hang me I killed the rabbit, for pities sake it's not my fault the cat enter in my house.

Okay, okay so I kill it is that any reason for Elie so hug so tight I almost chose to cry so hard I almost drown.

"Oh Tuffy she says Oh Tuffy how could you do that think of that poor big cat ".

How was I supposed to know that Elie's mum would fill a bucket full of soapy water.

Okay, Okay so maybe the stain of the cat won't come out ever so smock me.

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