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bonjour voici mon exercice d'anglais j'y comprends pas grand chose, pouvez vous m'aider svp ?

Answer the questions to tell what happened

1. When does the story take place?
2. What are the names of the people in the family?
3. What were they each dreaming about? 4. What happens when Mog wriggles her tail?
5. What wakes Mog up?
6. Why does the voice in the telephone say "Hello, fire service?"
7. What makes the things break?
8. Why does Mog jump on the ceiling fan? 9. Where does she land after the fan flings her off?
10. What happens to the Christmas tree?
11. Where does Mog run and why?
12. Who comes to the house?
13. What do they bring out of the house?
14. Who says that Mog deserves a medal? 15. What would she rather have?
16. What happened to the family's Christmas?
17. Who helped them?
18. What did the people bring?
19. What did Mog get in the end?​

Sagot :