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The First Thanksgiving - Historian Log Book
Step 3: The First Thanksgiving
Document 6: The First Thanksgiving Painting
1. Describe the painting. What do you see? Be precise. Use the dictionary if necessary.
2. How are the two groups of people represented? (clothes, position, etc.)
English colonists
native americans
3. What image do we have of the relations between the Natives and the Pilgrims?
4. Do you think the painting reflects the reality? Why ?
Document 7: Extract from Edward Winslow’s journal
1. Find the English for:
récolter: orge (un type de céréale): fusil:
divertissement: mourir de faim: traité (de paix):
2. Who are the important people in the colony?
3. Write all the information about the first Thanksgiving feast (who, when, where, what)
4. Who is the author of this document?
Vocabulary help: crops (cultures) ; provide (fournir)

The First Thanksgiving - Historian Log Book
Step 4: After Thanksgiving
Document 8: Maps of Plymouth Bay
1. True or False?
The territory was just a forest.
There were many Native villages before the colonists arrived. There weren't any Native cities before they arrived.
The Wampanoag had a small territory.
The colonists took the Native Americans into consideration. The colonists completely replaced the Natives in the region.
2. How did the territory change with the arrival of the colonists?
3. What were the consequences for the Natives? Make hypotheses.
Documents 9 and 10: population graphs and painting of the 1637 thanksgiving Massacre
1. Describe the graph (vocabulary: to increase (augmenter) ; to decrease (diminuer)) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
2. What are the reasons for the changes in the populations? Make hypotheses?
3. How did the colonists consider the Native Americans? What were the consequences colonization for the Native population?

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