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Lire les textes et répondre en FRANÇAIS
The Life of a pioneer
The pioneers were the people who moved West of the American colonies,
wanting to establish a business. They went to Oregon, and other areas of
the frontier for the land. It was called the Conquest of the West. Pioneers
began making the 2,000-mile journey (= 3220 km) to take advantage of
the offer of the United States' government: to cultivate the land. This land
was available, much of it was free or very cheap. The farmland was rich
and fertile. The trail started in Independence, Missouri and went past
Chimney Rock, Nebraska. Some went to the frontier in order to look for gold, others to hunt and trade fur pelts.
Many were looking for adventure or just the possibility of improving their lives. The pionners were American
and European immigrants coming from Britain, Germany, France, Sweden, Russia, Ireland, Scotland, and Italy
to start new lives in the "land of opportunity".
1. D'après le texte, qui étaient les Pionniers 2(/3)

2. Pourquoi ont-il décidé de partir à la Conquête de l'Ouest ? (15)
3. Que proposait le gouvernement des Etats-Unis ? ( /1)