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1) In eight minutes, Taylor can write out five Christmas cards. Anna can write out fourteen Christmas cards in the same amount of time. If they work together, how long will it take them to write out 171 Christmas cards?

2) Brianna's favorite toy store will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday. How long will the store be open on Saturday?

3) Samantha has thirty-five CDs. She hopes to get five from Santa and five from her brother. How many CDs will Samantha have altogether after Christmas, if Santa and her brother give her the CDs?

4) Megan was selling Christmas trees at the mall. She bought a total of eighty trees to sell during the Christmas season. There are only twenty-eight trees left. How many Christmas trees has Megan sold?

5) David gave the cashier $10 to buy two identical Christmas cards. There was no sales tax or any other charges. The cashier gave David $6.54 back. How much did one card cost?​