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E-TechComputer store in Oman sells different electronics products such as Computers, Laptops and accessories.
The store Management requires an automated software to keep track of items in stock and prices. You as a software designer and developer are asked to develop a system for the store.
The first task you should carry out is to design and code a class related to stocked Items. You can name this class as Item in Stock.
The class should consist of the following:
• A data member Item code to store an item code e.g, C15, a data member to store item name, a data member to store item description, a data member to store quantity of items in stock and a data member item price to store price of an item. You must use the appropriate data types and access specifier for each data member.
. Class should have a constructor that initialises class obiects with specified item code, quantity and price of items.
• Getter and setters methods for all the data members including getItemCat0 method which returns
"Unknown Item Category", getItemName method which returns the "Unknown Item Name" and getItemDescription( which returns "Unknown Item Description". These methods will be overridden in later tasks of the assignment to set and display information related to specific items.
. An add Item method to add items in stock with a check that item stock does not exceed 25. An appropriate message should be displayed if inserted item exceeds the limit.
•An item _Sell member method to sell items, method should ask for quantity of selling item and then reduces the stock level accordingly.
• A tax_on _Item method gives tax on items (Tax is fixed at 5%)
• A method to set item price without tax and get method to get item price both with and without tax
• A method named get_Item _DetailsO that provides Item code, Item Category, Item name, Item description, quantity in stock, and price with and without tax.
Task 1.1 Graphically represent above mentioned class in
UML by drawing class diagram.
Task 1.2. Implementation of the class using Java language.
Write a program called Stocked Item with main () method to test the Item in Stock class.
Testing is an integral part of development. Write suitable test cases in the given format below for your class.