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Comment on the text. Choose between the following exercises (A or B). First reading a. What is the text about? It is about... a public park. a new bridge. a new motorway. b. It is called... High Line Stadium. High Line Park. High Line Avenue. c. It was... an old railway line. an old bridge. an old walking bridge. Second reading d. Where is it situated? It is in... Chinatown. Little Italy. Manhattan. e. It is... above the streets. near Central Park. between 5th and 7th Avenues. between 10th and 12th Avenues. New York, New York AP ACCOMPA DIFFERENCIATION Third reading f. What can people do? People can... Tick the correct answers. go swimming. sunbathe. watch summer programs. have a picnic. play baseball. enjoy the plants. Children can... sleep and eat. run, climb and play. 3​

Comment On The Text Choose Between The Following Exercises A Or B First Reading A What Is The Text About It Is About A Public Park A New Bridge A New Motorway B class=

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