simplifie la recherche de solutions à toutes vos questions grâce à une communauté active et experte. Découvrez une mine de connaissances d'experts dans différentes disciplines sur notre plateforme de questions-réponses complète. Explorez des milliers de questions et réponses fournies par une communauté d'experts sur notre plateforme conviviale.

The Students Complaining that way. A. is told B. are told 2/ The dean the exact time of the exam. They are s c. don't tell D. aren't told us the graduation leaflet tonight ble he has 11 promised to do so. A. Send c. is going to Send D. has already sent B. will send 3 you take your medicine on time Unless you will die. C must D. musta't A.Should B. ought to 4 My sister said, " I sent the money yesterday. » what is the reported speech?. >> A. My sister said that I have sent the money the day before B.My sister said that she had sent the money the day after. C. She said that she had sented the money the day before D. My
sister said that she had sent the money the day before.​

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