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brain!! 12. I want to work somewhere where I can help the........in my neighbourhood. a) country b) community c. place d.area 13. Eating fast food will eventually............... an effect on your health. al have b) do c. make d. find 14. Neither of the kids ................. well in their first year at school. a) had b) took c) made d. did Thursday on bed new our is....................store furniture15. The a)planning b) delivering c)doing d) causing 16.Our new director can speak three languages. In............. he has six years of experience... a) exception b] discussion c addiction d) addition 17.Only people and bikes can go down that road because it is very.......... a. long b.wide c.narrow d.low 18.The boy fell and hit his head.............. the pavement' a) on b)in c) of d)for 19. Some children grow up without receiving any a) education b) graduation c) presentation d) pollution 20.Try to find an attractive.....to your article. a. result b. interview c) heading d) community 21. The children should be given the ........... to make their own choices.. a) interview b community c) pavement d opportunity 22. We are happy with your result. We hope you........ with us. a) mean b)stop c)end d) continue 23.The Decent Life Initiative will make a difference to people who live in areas. a) ruler b) roller c) rural d) rule 24.The university should more facilities for disabled students..​

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