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Consigne: A l’aide des devinettes, associez le chiffre qui correspond à l’image.
1. People eat me for Christmas
2. I am made of metal and very
heavy. I make a nice sound.
3. I am red and white striped.
People put me on the Christmas
tree and later eat me.
4. I grow in the forest but I come
into people's houses at
5. I come in many colours and I
need electricity to work.
6. I am kids' best friend around
7. Kids hang me up for Christmas.
I am usually hung on the
8. You can light me and I can burn
for some hours.
9. My name is Rudolph. I am in
front of Santa's sleigh.
10. I come in many designs. People
send me to friends and family to
wish each other a merry
11. Some people put me at the top
of their Christmas tree. You can
also find my in the sky.
12. What Father Christmas wears on
his head.
13. I am a kind of dessert.
14. Everybody likes to receive me.