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Eco-cities Some urban planners are designing Eco-cities, cities that are built to be environmentally friendly. For example, there is easy access to public transportation, so residents don't need to own cars, and the community is connected by many bicycle and pedestrian walking paths. In addition, eco-cities use sustainable energy by incorporating solar and wind power rather than relying solely on fossil fuels. Eco-cities also have green space, including parks and forests that provide a natural habitat for wildlife, and community gardens where residents can grow fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, the buildings in an eco-city are constructed using ecological building materials, such as recycled materials and wood from certified sustainable forestry operations. By incorporating all of these features into eco- cities, urban planners believe we will be able to start restoring our environment so there will be something left for our grandchildren
. 1 Answer the questions
. a) What are eco-cities?
b) How do they help conserve natural resources?
2 what are the pros and cons of these eco-cities? PROS CONS​

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