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bonjour pouvez vous m'aider à cet exercice en anglais mercii
Exercise 5: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate structure expressing a preference. 1- I 2- They 3- She prefers band. 4- They'd rather 5- 6- My best friend phone. 7-1 8- She prefers 9- They_ 10- watch a the theatre musical. 11- 12- 13- (start) working. I'd rather my daughter She We prefer winter. 14- I expenses. 15- They pragmatic. not to become a singer. (be) on the dole. to interview you at 5 p.m. (sing) alone to (sing) in a (have) a part-time job on the radio come on Monday or Tuesday? chatting online to talking on the to watch cinema musicals rather than go and (study). having a full time job to a part-time job. (go) on studying than (listen to music) not to talk about my music preferences. listen to music with my friends. (have) holidays in summer to holidays in to have a job rather than live on my parents' contract him than her, because he is very​