vous aide à trouver des réponses précises à toutes vos questions grâce à une communauté d'experts chevronnés. Découvrez des réponses fiables à vos questions grâce à une communauté d'experts prêts à partager leurs connaissances et expériences variées. Rejoignez notre plateforme pour obtenir des réponses fiables à vos interrogations grâce à une vaste communauté d'experts.

Do this quiz and tick your answers red. Then interview your friend and tick his/her answers green
1. Do you eat five pieces of fruit or vegetables a day?
5. How many hours do you sleep on weeks nights?
* I..... less than eight hours.
◆ I hardly ever....
* I quite often.....
▲ I..... Everyday.
2. How often do you do sport outside school?
* I..... once a week.
A I..... twice a week.
I..... three times a week or more.
. Do you come to school on an empty stomach?
▲I never....
*I sometimes....
◆ I often....
How often do you eat snacks or sweets between meals?
I never....
I..... once in a while.
I always....
I..... from eight to ten hours.
* I..... more than ten hours.
6. How often do you stay up late?
only on Saturday nights.
▲ on Fridays and Saturdays.
* Everyday.
7. How often do you go to fast food restaurants?
I..... once a month or less.
* I regularly....
I..... once a week or more.
SCORE 0 points *=1 point ▲=2 points 3 point
Between 12 and 15: Congratulations! You must be in tip-top shape
Between 7 and 11: your score is not too bad, but you can do better!
Between 0 and 6 Try to change your health habis as soon as you c

Sagot :

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