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Bea Johnson and her family adopted a zero waste lifestyle back in 2008 and they've never looked back. Johnson's book, Zero Waste Home, and her blog of the same name, share her personal story of how she simplified her life by reducing her waste. Johnson, her husband, Scott, and their two sons are doing more with less. They now have more > time together, they've cut their annual spending by 40 percent, and they are healthier than they've ever been. What Johnson loves most about the lifestyle is that it simplified her life: She and her family spend less time doing chores and more time having fun. ( Johnson, a native of France, lives with her family in Mill Valley, California. In 2006, they moved downtown to be able to walk or bike everywhere. Before finding the small house they now live in, they rented an apartment for a year and moved in with only a few necessities (they stored the rest). They found they real- ly enjoyed living with less and when they found their new home (which was half the size of the previous one), they got rid of 80 percent of their belongings. She has proven that zero waste living can not only be stylish, but can also lead to significant health be- nefits, and time and money savings. «It's not only good for the environment, but it greatly improves one's standard of living, too, says Johnson, «It offers a richer life: one based on experiences instead of stuff." Twww.ecowatch.com (2015)

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