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Team-building on a project for charity

Companies have been using off-site meetings and retreats to foster a sense of
camaraderie among employees for decades but obstacle courses or golf
tournaments are becoming dated.
Today, more corporations are turning to volunteer projects to get their people
motivated and working as a team .In many cases, participants say such activities
help them forge bonds that remain ever after they return to the office .When the
breweries Molson and Coors merged, the new leadership team wanted to start
things off on the right foot with a team-building exercise.
The 11 members of the executive team spent a full day this year helping build a
house under the tutelage of Habitat for Humanity."We had to unload this truck full of
cement roof tiles .We actually had to figure out how to have a bucket line, handing
these very heavy tiles from one person to the next .That's the ultimate team-building
exercise"a manager said. The number of organizations setting aside an afternoon or
even a full day during an off-site meeting or convention to frame a house, build a
playground or paint an after-school center is on the rise.
A.Ranzer, director of Impact 4good, an organization that matches corporate groups
with volunteer opportunities, said the number of requests had gone up 50percent in
the past year. "We really are getting a lot more calls. It's something companies are
picking up for multiple reasons", Ranzer said. "They see values in it for image
up his
purposes. Consumers are looking for companies that care". Statistics back
assertion. According to a study ,86percent of American consumers who responded
said that they were very likely to switch to a brand associated with a cause if product
price and quality were equal.
A company perceived as a good corporate citizen could reap benefits ranging from
better recruitment and retention to stronger relationships with customers and
suppliers. "Young people today and new employees are looking for organizations
that really do demonstrate ethical core values," said S. Allen of Deloitte & Touche
USA. At a Deloitte meeting, about 250 participants built a playground with Kaboom,
a non-profit group that builds and refurbishes outdoor play areas in disadvantaged
Allen said that many employees did not have the chance to get to know one another
while at the office. Labouring side by side on a volunteer project gave them the
opportunity to build relationships that enhanced their communication and productivity
when they returned to the office.
United Parcel Service orchestrates volunteer projects for new managers. For
example, it organized for them a day trip to a cooperative that collects second-hand
medical equipment and distributes it to hospitals in developing countries .New
managers were put to work sanitizing equipment like operating tables and
wheelchairs, loading them onto pallets and wrapping them for shipping.
An employee said that when she worked on a project refurbishing a Boys and Girls
club in Las Vegas, younsters turned out to thank her. "Frankly, in your day job you
don't get that type of appreciation.

By Martha C.White. Adapted from The Herald tribune October 14 2018

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