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Fill in the correct form (present- or past tense) of must/have to. (Pay attention to the
negative form!!!)
() stay in bed for two weeks.
1. In the summer holidays I broke my leg and
2. The text was easy. I
3. The children
4. We
5. They
6. Today she
7. Yesterday I
8. You
9. We
10. Last week somebody stole my bike, so I
11. Yesterday Sarah
(x) ask any questions.
(✓) do their homework in the afternoon.
(x) come home early.
(✓) study for the test and cannot go to the cinema.
(x) get up at six o'clock because it is a holiday.
(x) wait long for the school bus.
(✓) leave the house at seven or you will miss the train.
(✓) hand in the book-review on Wednesday.
(x) wall to school.
() go to work by bus because her car did not start in the
(✓) book a table if you want to have dinner at "Jack's".
(✓) go to bed earlier. I am tired all the time.
12. You
13. I
14. As the wind became stronger the balloon
15. Today Dad
(✓) land in a field.
(x) take me to school. The teachers are on strike.
Quelqu’un peut m’aider svp