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Bon soirée je doit faire un résumé sur ce texte si dessus mais je ne comprend pas grand chose et je doit faire 10 lignes mercii d'avance

SPEAKEASY NEWS Museumis on both sides of the Atlantic ara celebrating the 400 anniversary of a famous voyage. L'actoolte On le sectemer, 1620, 102 svigers, celle Blocos New Wond SENIN (74 rived in chusette on 9 Noversbel Winter Weather The weather was much colder than England there was cons of snow the Pilgrims stayed 3 Noverar on the whip all wint There wasn't enough togd of clean died of pneumonia or tuberculosis. Finally, in March, the Prigrims built cabins on land. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November every year, to commemorate the first Thanksgiving. Squanto An Indian named Squanto helped the Pilgrims adapt to their new environment in November, 1621, they had small houses and enough food for the winter. So they invited 90 Indians to a big party Everyone ate and drank for three days. It was the first Thanksgiving! m - September 2010 Help both (det) the two built (preterite) frame to build, to construct left (preterite) from to leave, to depart ship (n) a venicis for ocean voyages Pilgrim (n) a person who travels for religious reasons Mayower 400​

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