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Bonjour est ce que vous pourriez m'aider pour cet petite exercice en anglais.

Exercice : Read in the singular
- They always listen carefully.
- My sisters like Alain Delon.
- They usually have breakfast at eight o'clock.
- My friends often kiss their parents.
- Mr Brown and Mr smith play cricket.
- The boys generally sing in English.
- Cats drink milk.
- Mr Durand and Mr Dupond live in France.
- The babies cry when they are hungry.
- Cows eat grass.

Sagot :

Réponse :


-  They always listen carefully.= He always listens carefully=Il écoute toujours attentivement

- My sisters like Alain Delon.= My brother likes Alain Delon= Mon frère aime Alain Delon.

- They usually have breakfast at eight o'clock.= He usually has breakfast at eight o'clock=Il prend généralement son petit-déjeuner à huit heures

- My friends often kiss their parents.= My friend often kiss their parents=Mon ami embrasse souvent ses parents

- Mr Brown and Mr smith play cricket.= Mr Brown plays cricket=M. Brown joue au cricket

- The boys generally sing in English.= The boy generally sings in English=Le garçon chante généralement en anglais

- Cats drink milk.= A cat drinks milk=Le chat boit du lait

- Mr Durand and Mr Dupond live in France.=Mr Durand lives in France= Mr Durand vit en France.

- The babies cry when they are hungry. The baby cries when he is hungry.=Le bébé pleure quand il a faim

- Cows eat grass= Cow eats grass=La vache mange de l'herbe

J'espère t'avoir aider bonne journée



Read in the singular

- They always listen carefully. > He/she listens carefully

- My sisters like Alain Delon. > My sister likes ..

- They usually have breakfast at eight o'clock.He/she usually has ...

- My friends often kiss their parents.>

                                 > My friend (masculin)  often kisses his parents

                                  > My friend (fem. = she.) often kisses her parents

- Mr Brown and Mr smith play cricket.> Mr Brown plays cricket

- The boys generally sing in English.> The boy generally sings......

- Cats drink milk.> A cat drinks milk.

- Mr Durand and Mr Dupond live in France.> Mr Durand lives in France

- The babies cry when they are hungry.> The baby cries when he is hungry

- Cows eat grass.> A cow eats grass.


au présent simple à la 3e p. sing on ajoute -s au verbe

verbes se terminant par -sh, -ch -o, -x = + -es

verbes se terminant par consonne + -y = -ies


les noms sans articles correspondent à "des" (article indéterminé) en français n'existent pas an anglais.

donc au singulier, il faut rajouter a ou an


Bonne journée☺☺☺