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Put the verb in the right form.
1 Iwashed my hands because they were dirty. (wash)
2 Somebody has broken this window. (break)
3 I feel good. I.
4 We
5 It-
6 I've
7 Rosa's bike was
very well last night. (sleep)
a really good film yesterday. (see)
a lot while we were on holiday. (rain)
.my bag. Have you.
9 Have you.
10 The shopping centre was.
11 Anna.
in a marathon?
last week. (steal)-
to bed early because I was tired. (go)
your work yet? (finish)
12 I've never.
13 Jessica is a good friend of mine. I've.
14 Yesterday I.
15 My brother.
- it? (lose / see)
to drive when she was 18. (learn)
a horse. (ride)
about 20 years ago. (build)
her for a long time. (know)
.my leg. (fall/ hurt)
. in the London Marathon last year. Have you ever.